If the cliche that only the good die young is true than we can expect Louis Farrakhan to live until he is well past 100.
About three minutes and fifteen seconds into the video below you will see and hear him call for the murder of Jewish people everywhere. This took place at one of his paid events called Savior's Day 2023 a few weeks ago but it caused barely a ripple on the stagnant and fetid pond of American journalism. Perhaps the mainstream-media has become used to eructations of this kind from the Reverend Farrakhan and simply shrugged its collective shoulder as it sprinted off to write more editorials in support of woke identity politics or gender fluidity.
It has been said that in America today one of the best ways to avoid charges against truth and morality is to get the word, "Reverend" placed before your name. This has worked well for Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and spectacularly well for Louis Farrakhan. He has turned Jew-hating into an art form that has produced millions of dollars for himself and attracted tens of thousands of followers whose critical faculties he has deposed with lies the size of Jupiter about Jews and Judaism. Like all cults, the Nation of Islam excludes evidence it does not like otherwise Farrakhan would have mentioned how prominent Jews helped finance the NAACP and sat on its board. He would have acknowledged the enormous Jewish support for the 1964 Civil Rights Act which the Democrats attempted to filibuster and he would certainly have mentioned Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman who were murdered by the KKK in 1964 volunteering in the South for the Congress of Racial Equality.
Yet, as Mark Levin points out in the video, Farrakhan has attracted the likes of Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, most of the Congressional Black Caucus and the SQUAD. Had any of them lived during the 1940s you may not have seen them shoving Jews into cattle cars but you would certainly have seen them on the platform waving the Jews goodbye.
It is impossible to understand how anyone could give Farrakhan the slightest credence particularly if one knows he accepted the 1996 "Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights Award" founded by the late Libyan dictator, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, a man whose hands were drenched in the blood of countless victims. Any conversation with Farrakhan, or Colonel Gaddafi for that matter, about justice or human rights would be bound to subtract from the entire encyclopedia of knowledge on those subjects.
Supporting Farrakhan in any way is to cooperate with evil and to seriously risk becoming evil oneself. This is an absolute statement that admits to no moral relativism and cannot be applied on a sliding scale.
The Nation of Islam's gimcrack structure appeals to those who possess the kind of imbecile credulity that would make an African witch-doctor positively green with envy. It is built on the sort of irrational hatred capable of emptying the future for every one of its votaries.
I urge you, your relatives and your friends to contact your senator, congressman, rabbi, the Jewish Federation and the Jewish Press and demand that the coprophagic Louis Farrakhan be condemned in the most explicit terms for his vicious, annihilationist and toxic Jew-hatred with which he assiduously infects his followers and alarms the rest of us. Farrakhan must be condemned, declared anathema and shunned.
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