About six hours after the genocidal attack by the terrorist killers of Hamas on Israeli civilians over 30 student groups at Harvard University issued a signed statement titled, "Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine" Note how the sovereign state of Israel was described as "Palestine".
These organizations, including the Ivy League’s affiliate of Amnesty International, the Harvard Islamic Society, Harvard College Act on a Dream and the Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association, condemned Israel even as forty Jewish babies were being slaughtered and decapitated, its residents kidnapped, tortured, raped and grotesquely murdered in cold blood with videos of some of these atrocities posted on the internet. Not since the Einsatzgruppen Nazi death squads rampaging through Poland and Russia, relishing their task, during World War II has the world seen anything like it. Yet:“We the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” the letter reads. “The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” the groups claim. The Hamas attack "did not happen in a vacuum", the groups sagaciously advised us along with a lie the size of Jupiter that, " the Israeli government has forced Palestinians to live in an “open-air prison for over two decades.”
Clearly, Harvard is educating students who are emotional hemophiliacs. These junior jihadis are unfit to occupy one broken-down old desk in the remotest corner of the entire campus. These students have failed to perform anything in the way of due diligence about the history of the region and the reasons for the conflict. They have sprinted towards ignorance and managed to get everything wrong and thus support the ferocious hatreds of Islam and the horrific actions of genocidal maniacs who view their victims not as human beings but as enemies of their cause who deserve their fate.
These students and the groups to which they belong are unable or, worse still, unwilling to recognize obvious evil, but instead they decided to champion it, celebrate it and cooperate with it and so have become evil themselves. With all the lessons provided to us by the Holocaust in the last century who would have thought that such towering immorality could exist and be so slightly opposed in the ivory tower of an Ivy League university in the year 2023 A.D.?!!
Leading from behind, two days after these groups beamed their statement commending wanton murder to the world some members of the Harvard faculty dripping with credentials and giddily leaning against each other atop Harvard's $52 billion endowment, issued the following polite statement:
Open letter to the Harvard Community
[Link to the letter: https://bit.ly/harvard-against-terrorism ; While this letter has been circulating, President Gay posted an updated statement on the war. ]
We are faculty at Harvard who are deeply concerned about the events in the Middle East, as well as the safety of our students here on campus. On October 7th, Hamas launched a premeditated attack on the Israeli population. Hundreds of terrorists infiltrated Israeli towns and houses. Children were killed in front of their parents; entire families were executed. Grandmothers, mothers, and their babies were kidnapped. All in all, more than 900 Israelis were killed in a single day and the death toll is continuing to grow. There have also been deaths on the Palestinian side, including hundreds of terrorists and, tragically, civilians as well.
Every innocent death is a tragedy. Yet, this should not mislead us to create false equivalencies between the actions leading to this loss. Hamas planned and executed the murder and kidnapping of civilians, particularly women, children, and the elderly, with no military or other specific objective. This meets the definition of a war crime. The Israeli security forces were engaging in self-defense against this attack while dealing with numerous hostage situations and a barrage of thousands of rockets hidden deliberately in dense urban settings. Theleaders of the major democratic countries united in saying that “the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned” and that Israel should be supported “in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities.“ In contrast, while terrorists were still killing Israelis in their homes, 35 Harvard student organizations wrote that they hold “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” with not a single word denouncing the horrific acts by Hamas. In the context of the unfolding events, this statement can be seen as nothing less than condoning the mass murder of civilians based only on their nationality. We’ve heard reports of even worse instances, with Harvard students celebrating the “victory” or “resistance” on social media.
As a University aimed at educating future leaders, this could have been a teaching moment and an opportunity to remind our students that beyond our political debates, some acts such as war crimes are simply wrong. However, the statement by Harvard’s administration fell short of this goal. While justly denouncing Hamas, it still contributed to the false equivalency between attacks on noncombatants and self-defense against those atrocities. Furthermore, the statement failed to condemn the justifications for violence that come from our own campus, nor to make it clear to the world that the statement endorsed by these organizations does not represent the values of the Harvard community. How can Jewish and Israeli students feel safe on a campus in which it is considered acceptable to justify and even celebrate the deaths of Jewish children and families?
We recognize that Harvard has students and community members from all regions, including from the Gaza Strip. These are not easy times, and we pray for the safety of all our members and their families. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a long and complex history. We hold varying opinions, but none of us endorses all of Israel's past actions. However, the events of this week are not complicated. Sometimes there is such a thing as evil, and it is incumbent upon educators and leaders to call it out, as they have with school shootings and terrorist attacks. It is imperative that our academic leadership, whose good faith we do not doubt, state this clearly and unequivocally. Further, while individuals’ free speech should be protected, our leaders should make it clear that our community rejects any statements that excuse terrorist acts.
We stand with any member of the Harvard community who feels unsafe or alone and pledge to do what we can individually and collectively. We hold our hope for better days in the future. To quote President Obama, “As we support Israel’s right to defend itself against terror, we must keep striving for a just and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians alike."
The letter was signed by about 285 members of the Harvard faculty. Harvard has approximately 16,000 members of staff including 2,400 professors and lecturers.
The open letter was criticized by Harvard alumni, Congressman Jake Auchincloss (D), who is Jewish, denouncing it as “a word salad approved by committee”. Perhaps the professors had consulted Kamala Harris, but what severely diminished the efficacy of the letter and should have made the signatories cringe with embarrassment was quoting Barack Obama, an articulate incompetent, who was undoubtedly the most hostile American president with whom Israel has ever had to deal and who still displays a determined historical amnesia where Israel and the entirely spurious claims of the Arab Palestinians are concerned:
What led some members of the Harvard faculty to quote Obama who, as president, proved to us every day that a law degree from Harvard is not sufficient proof of brilliance? Well, being fundamentally anti-Israel makes one a light sleeper I suppose.
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