Thursday, October 12, 2023



The horrors in the article below vividly describe the vicious, fanatical and irrational hatreds of Islam which threaten to empty the future for us all. 
At the very least the United States must freeze all Iranian assets, stop funding Arab Palestinian organizations of every kind, close the P.A. mission in Washington DC and expel their so-called diplomats and bar any more Iranian students from coming to America.
The foul and cataclysmic tragedy unfolding in Israel is a preview of coming attractions for America. Our southern border must be closed and secured and the 6 million illegal immigrants, including God knows how many terrorists, that have invaded us since Biden scrambled into the imperial box must be deported. Iranian spies in the State Department and the Department of Defense must be arrested and prosecuted along with Robert Malley, Biden's special envoy to Iran, who is on unpaid leave pending an investigation into his handling of classified material. Who could have imagined that ?!! 
America has been asleep as her own government has been callously importing war and enabling it against our most faithful and intrepid ally in the Middle East.
With the shattering collapse of his anxious policies of appeasement towards the vile, bloodthirsty and genocidal ayatollahs in Tehran, treacherous policies first conceived by Obama, our alleged president stumbling around the White House increasingly looks like the admiral whose ships are being sunk by torpedoes of his own design.
It is now more dangerous to be America's friend than it is to be her enemy just ask the Afghans whose Taliban tormentors are seeking permission to cross the borders of neighboring countries to join the war against Israel armed to the teeth with seven billion dollars' worth of sophisticated American weapons carelessly and foolishly abandoned by Biden and the Obama apparatchiks who infest and control the Biden Administration. 
Sadly, our cognitively impaired president is beyond a cure, but he is not, quite yet, beyond redemption. Dispatching an American carrier battle group to the eastern Mediterranean is a strong signal but whether he allows it to unleash its terrible power upon our common enemies in the tinderbox of the Middle East will determine if he remains the Doctor Kevorkian of American foreign policy in the region.



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