Sunday, September 5, 2021

Biden's Betrayal, "He Came, He saw, He Capitulated"


Published in the Geller Report 09/04/21

Yesterday, continuing his masquerade as our commander-in-chief, Joe Biden beamed his wisdom towards us declaring that the United States had just conducted the world's biggest airlift by evacuating 120,000 Afghanis and slightly over 6,000 Americans from the Hamid Karzai airport in Kabul. No country in the history of the world, he assured us, has ever accomplished anything like it. He must have been very poorly educated. Has he heard of Dunkirk?

Between May 26th. and June 4th. 1940 the Royal Navy, aided by civilian craft, evacuated about 338,000 British and allied troops from the beaches of Dunkirk. Initially, it was expected that only about 50,000 troops would be rescued. In Parliament and in a broadcast to the nation Prime Minister Winston Churchill told the British people the truth. It was, he told them, a miracle of deliverance but also a colossal military disaster. He warned that the country should not ascribe to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars, he wryly noted, are not won by evacuations.

Another way wars will not be won is by having a defense secretary like Lloyd Austin and a chairman of the JCS like General Milley who were busy indoctrinating our war colleges and the ranks in the absurd assertions of Critical Race Theory and wringing their hands about trying to understand "white rage" while the Taliban were conquering province after province in Afghanistan. 

Observing the dishonorable and unnecessary debacle in Afghanistan and the chaotic bungling of the evacuation at the Kabul airport, some wag remarked that Joe Biden, and the refugees from the Obama administration who act as his senior advisors, couldn't organize getting sex in a brothel which is why, one assumes, Hunter Biden has always preferred to make his own arrangements in this matter. 

Biden's speech yesterday was a self-serving attempt to justify the incomprehensible and to deny his complete betrayal and failure by stubbornly refusing to admit that his shameful self-imposed defeat has placed all Americans in immediate danger by emboldening our enemies and discouraging our friends, a diminishing band to be sure. Meanwhile, it's back to the burka for Afghan women, summary executions for homosexuals and the gruesome application of Sharia across the entire country by caftan clad savages now in possession of $85 billion worth of superior American military equipment with which to impose their will on the terrorized Afghan people.

Biden must resign even though his successor, Kalamity Harris, offers no escape to optimism for the American people. Exploring the geography of his mind would reveal a parched and desolate landscape impervious to irrigation by Adderall. Ever since Biden managed to stumble into the imperial box North Korea ceased to be the only country on the planet with a dead man as its head of state.

Writing about loyalties and leadership Churchill once remarked, "The loyalties which center upon number one are enormous. If he trips, he must be sustained. If he makes, mistakes they must be covered, If he sleeps, he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no good, he must be pole-axed."

We cannot go on being led in this way. Joe Biden has proved himself to be the greatest national security risk we have had since Barack Obama. The time to pole-axe him is long overdue.

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