Saturday, September 14, 2024


 If elected, Kalamity Harris has clearly demonstrated that her hostility to the world's only Jewish nation-state will be far greater than the combined hostility of Biden and Obama. 

On Tuesday evening she voiced her strong support for the so-called Two-State-Solution, something that was never viable or fair for that matter even under the best of circumstances. In other words, she is in favor of rewarding the Hamas supporting Arab Palestinians in Gaza and Judea & Samaria for their genocidal attack on Israel on October 7th. when they violated a ceasefire that was already in place. 

Since 2005 when Israel evacuated every Jew from Gaza it has been a Jew-free state. Since 2007 it has been controlled by Hamas whose kleptocratic leaders have plundered the billions of dollars in international aid for their own use and spent the rest building 300 miles of sophisticated tunnels from which to attack Israel with monotonous but deadly frequency culminating in the sadistically savage attack on October 7th.

Kalamity Harris really needs to read the Hamas Charter which proudly declares that its contribution to the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the region will be the destruction of Israel and the murder of all Jews. October 7th. was a preview of coming attractions. It contained the spirit of a second Holocaust. This is what Kalamity Harris is supporting when she calls for a Two-State-Solution, something that would swiftly devolve into a one-state-solution with Israel being wiped off the map. 

Iran and its terrorist proxies are explicit about their violently destructive intentions not only with regard to Israel and the Jewish people but also with regard to what we used to call Christian civilization. Let that sink in and resolve to say "NO!" to Kalamity Harris in November. Read on:

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