Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Now you can understand why Democrats are so in favor of overwhelming numbers of illegal aliens invading our country.

This is a power-grab pure and simple.They will provide permanent majorities for Democrats. We are well on our way to a one-party-state and a country that will look like Venezuela. How’s that for “protecting our democracy“? Let that sink in!

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation banning local governments from requiring voters to present Voter ID

This is the link:

Sunday, September 15, 2024


A skilled debater who had command of the facts like Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis or the late William F. Buckley or Christopher Hitchens would have eviscerated Kalamity Harris on Tuesday night regardless of the left-wing bias of ABC's David Muir and Linsey Davis. We cannot take refuge in blaming them for DT’s obvious lack of preparation. 

To paraphrase Bill Maher, you could count on one hand the number of times Kalamity actually answered a question unless that hand had no fingers. Nevertheless, DT torpedoed himself. He was not properly prepared and had his own word-salad moments. He resorted to platitudes, boasts without much detail and the shouting style that characterized his first debate with Basement Biden in 2020 which ended in disaster.

Kalamity got under DT’s skin and skillfully provoked him. Take note Donald: "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks", Winston Churchill once observed.

Unless DT is willing to get some help from skilled debaters, study the details of possible attacks and understand his opponent’s strategy and tactics he should avoid the debate stage.

On another matter, he should not have debated Biden in June but left it to much later in the campaign when it would have been almost impossible to replace Biden whose poll numbers were swiftly sinking assuring his inevitable defeat.

Now, the Democrats are busy trying to rehabilitate someone who was their party’s laughingstock until Biden imploded during his debate with DT in June. 

Turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse is a formidable task even for Democrats, but there is no need for DT’s lack of preparation to make it easy for them. He must do better. Remember, vote for Trump. If he ruins the country at least it won't be on purpose!

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 If elected, Kalamity Harris has clearly demonstrated that her hostility to the world's only Jewish nation-state will be far greater than the combined hostility of Biden and Obama. 

On Tuesday evening she voiced her strong support for the so-called Two-State-Solution, something that was never viable or fair for that matter even under the best of circumstances. In other words, she is in favor of rewarding the Hamas supporting Arab Palestinians in Gaza and Judea & Samaria for their genocidal attack on Israel on October 7th. when they violated a ceasefire that was already in place. 

Since 2005 when Israel evacuated every Jew from Gaza it has been a Jew-free state. Since 2007 it has been controlled by Hamas whose kleptocratic leaders have plundered the billions of dollars in international aid for their own use and spent the rest building 300 miles of sophisticated tunnels from which to attack Israel with monotonous but deadly frequency culminating in the sadistically savage attack on October 7th.

Kalamity Harris really needs to read the Hamas Charter which proudly declares that its contribution to the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the region will be the destruction of Israel and the murder of all Jews. October 7th. was a preview of coming attractions. It contained the spirit of a second Holocaust. This is what Kalamity Harris is supporting when she calls for a Two-State-Solution, something that would swiftly devolve into a one-state-solution with Israel being wiped off the map. 

Iran and its terrorist proxies are explicit about their violently destructive intentions not only with regard to Israel and the Jewish people but also with regard to what we used to call Christian civilization. Let that sink in and resolve to say "NO!" to Kalamity Harris in November. Read on:

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Tragically, I must agree with everything Melanie Phillips has written in her incisive article posted below.

As preposterous as the accusations against the Jewish people are in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and as libelous as the charge of deicide is against the Jews that persisted for 2,000 years and as horrific as the Nazi theories of racial supremacy were, they all take a back seat to the doctrine of annihilation against Israel and the Jews as set out in gruesome detail and without embarrassment in the Hamas Charter. More people should read it especially our leaders who, even now, seem to be on a vacation from reality with regard to the genocidal intentions of Hamas. The Hamas Charter is the most unabashed document of hatred ever written. 

Now we are living in a time where truth, logic and reason appear to be unknown to this new age of irrational Jew-haters. Instead of sympathizing with and supporting the Jewish people for the genocidal attack of October 7th. these junior jihadis are championing the evil brutal savages who committed the awful butchery. They are actually waving flags that proudly declare, “Long Live October 7th.” Let that sink in! They are supporting crazed murderers whose cause is built on the wobbly scaffold of historical revision and lies bigger than the planet Jupiter.

The real cause, the real goal, the real undiminished aim of Hamas’ Islamic triumphalism is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East which by definition requires the destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew in sight.

It is simply not possible to accommodate, to tolerate or to live in peace with people who seek this outcome. Talking about peace, no agreement that allows Hamas to survive and its leaders to live should be countenanced for a fraction of a second.

As for the Hamas supporting filth on college campuses and in faculty common rooms, they should be confronted with overwhelming force and cleared out root and branch from our institutions and universities particularly the Ivy League which does not stand alone in this subversion of reason and decency. It has devolved into the endless toilet roll of our educational system and constitutes the keystone in an arch of failure across America.

A singular and shocking lack of moral clarity was ably demonstrated by the presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania last January who, testifying before a congressional committee, were unable or, worse still, unwilling to say if calling for the genocide of Jews on their respective campuses constituted a violation of their codes of conduct.

It comes as no surprise, therefore, that this moral confusion and scholastic disgrace bears a significant responsibility for the national outrage to which we are currently being subjected and will continue to endure until we act against it and reestablish the liberal, democratic ideals enshrined in our guiding light to freedom, the constitution of the United States. 

This constitution is anathema to the fascist, murdering scum of Hamas and its willing collaborators who infest the U.N., the E.U., academia, our media, our institutions, our government bureaucracy and our city halls. 

If all of this is not bad enough, then consider this: in order to secure his reelection Joe Biden is pandering to the jihadi electorate in places like Michigan and Minnesota. These are people who actively support Hamas, an internationally recognized group of terrorists who committed the murderous obscenities of October 7th. Any politician, any party, any person who seeks the approval of these voters should be objects of public obloquy and derision. They are guilty of a spectacular moral failure and are unfit to live among the rest of us or ever to hold public office.

We must act forcefully before the screams of, “Intifada Now!” become our epitaph.
