Thursday, October 23, 2008


With an unpopular president, an unpopular war, an economy in turmoil, the unprecedented, unenquiring, support and sycophantic adulation of a supine media, Senator Obama should be galloping down Pennsylvania Avenue about to demand the keys to the White House. As it is, he limps to victory. 

This suggests that the Democrats, win or lose, have backed the wrong horse. It also suggests just how much the electorate are distrustful of him. There is ample reason for their distrust and it strikes at the very core of why he is viewed by so many as the Stealth Candidate. Wrapped up tightly in the banner of the Democratic party, moving from the extreme left and closer to the center on every issue, now wearing a flag pin in his lapel, and covering his heart with his hand when the national anthem is sung, trying to distance himself from his dangerous, shameful, intimate, long-term, associations and collaborations with Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, Father Pflagler, Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi, and ACORN, a motley crew of traitors, terrorists, radicals, and Marxists, if ever there was one, he has attempted to disguise himself as a traditional old-style Democrat and champion of the people as he campaigns to get himself robed in purple and scramble into the imperial box. 

The only way he can get elected is to divert any focus away from his radical agenda and his precious axis of scumbags and to appear as if he is the very embodiment of American values thus seeming more presidential, more reassuring, much more electable. It's a trap but thus far, thanks to his own obfuscations and a deplorable lack of scrutiny by the mainstream media, his charade has been quite successful. To suggest that Obama actually embraces the centrist policies he has been touting since his nomination is to believe that he has undergone a conversion only exceeded in its miraculous quality by that of St. Paul's on the road to Damascus.

Whenever the subject of Obama's associations is raised we are told that we should concentrate on the issues and that questions about his associations are irrelevant, are too "personal", and that he is being subjected to guilt by association. The liberals get offended when inquiries are made and questions are raised about these associations, but it is indeed a severe disappointment that Obama himself is not more offended by Wright and Ayres. The reason these dreadful associations are of vital relevance, however, is because they have informed his judgment, and his judgment has led him to formulate policies which he will seek to implement if elected. What, may I ask, is more relevant than that? His guilt is one of active collaboration and alliance not merely one of close association.

Due to these collaborations it is highly unlikely that Obama could obtain the necessary clearance for a position in his own Secret Service security detail. Pending such clearance though he wishes to be President of the United States.

Jeremiah Wright is a ranting racist loon whose rhetorical flatulence (a condition from which Obama himself is by no means immune) extolling the virtues of Marxist based and racist black liberation theology, almost sank Obama's campaign. Obama called this man his mentor and with his family sat quietly in the pews of his church listening to Wright's anti-American and anti-Christian vitriol for over 17 years. Obama donated money to the United Trinity Church. He was married by Wright. His children were baptized by Wright. The title of one of his dismal books, "The Audacity of Hope", is taken from one of Wright's so-called sermons. This is much more than an "association". Barack Obama, for all those years, had been listening to a message which resonated within him and that is why he didn't stand up, speak up, and walk out. He dumped Wright only when Wright became a political embarrassment, but you can bet Wright's phone number is still in Obama's rolodex if not on his speed dial.

Around 1969 Bill Ayres became a leading member of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group that declared war on the government of the United States. He has admitted to bombing New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol Building in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. In 1970 Ayres and Dohrn went "underground" when a nail bomb that their pals were assembling exploded in a Greenwich Village townhouse killing three of their terrorist chums and prematurely dispatching them to a well-deserved grave. 

In 1980 Ayres and Dohrn, by then a married couple, surrendered to authorities. Ayres escaped prosecution when it was discovered that the evidence against him was obtained by the FBI using illegal wiretaps. On hearing of his good fortune he mockingly remarked: "Guilty as hell, free as a bird, America's a great country!" His wife Bernardine Dohrn, a member of the terrorist group, served time in jail for failing to testify against ex Weather Underground member, Susan Rosenberg, involved in the robbery of a Brink's armored car during which two police officers were killed. Rosenberg was convicted in 1984 and after serving 16 years of a 58 year sentence she was pardoned by Bill Clinton on his way out of the Oval Office, thanks for that one Bill. Later Dohrn earned a law degree, but being a convicted felon she was prohibited from actually practicing law. Nevertheless, she did get a job at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin where Michelle Robinson, Obama's future wife, was a law associate and it was through that firm that Dohrn hired Barack Obama as an intern during one of his vacations from Harvard Law School. This is how Barack and Michelle Obama first met.

Ayers is currently a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education. His interests include teaching for social justice urban educational reform, narrative and interpretive research, children in trouble with the law, and related issues.

He began his career in primary education while an undergraduate, teaching at the Children’s Community School (CCS), a project founded by a group of students and based on the Summerhill method of education. After leaving the underground, he earned an M.Ed from Bank Street College in Early Childhood Education (1984), an M.Ed from Teachers College, Columbia University in Early Childhood Education (1987) and an Ed.D from Teachers College, Columbia University in Curriculum and Instruction (1987).

He has edited and written many books and articles on education theory, policy and practice, and has appeared on many panels and symposia. Thus does he progress, fawned over by the glitterati, unmolested by the authorities, tolerated and admired as a mere gadfly by the Democratic Chicago politicians because he serves their voter base, and safe from the criminal prosecution he escaped on a legal technicality.

Consider this: if Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist and Oklahoma City bomber, had been incompetent; had used fewer explosives and had not been caught, convicted, and executed, he might well, at this very moment, be a professor at the University of Illinois getting ready to cast his vote for Barack Obama. We will never know what a fine dedicated educator and pillar of the community we lost when McVeigh was strapped to the gurney and duly dispatched to the bowels of Hell where, no doubt, he confidently awaits the arrival of Bill Ayres and his gruesome wife.

As Dick Morris has already pointed out, Obama was clearly dissembling ( i.e. lying ) when he told us that Ayers is "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood." Ayres hosted a "get to know the candidate" soiree for Obama in his living room prior to Obama's election to the Illinois senate. In 1997 Obama praised Ayers' book, " A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court", in the Chicago Tribune. Obama sat on two boards with Ayers, the Woods Foundation Board and the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge(CAC). They have given speeches together at various functions in Chicago. After Walter Annenberg's foundation offered several hundred million dollars to American public schools in the mid 90s, William Ayres applied for $50 million for Chicago. The purpose of this application was to secure funds to " raise political consciousness " in Chicago's public schools. The trustees of Walter Annenberg's foundation would have been mortified if they had known exactly how their money was going to be wasted, but Ayers and Obama are addicted to foundation money and can't wait to bestow their largesse on their self-serving, useless, projects. 

After the grant was awarded Ayres's group chose Obama to distribute the money. Between 1995 and 1999 Obama distributed $50 million and raised another $60 million from other civic groups to augment it. In doing so, he was following Ayers' admonition to grant the funds to "external" organizations like American Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to pair with schools and conduct programs to radicalize the students and politicize them. Reading, mathematics, and science, achievement tests counted for little in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge grants, but the schools' success in preaching a radical political agenda to hapless students determined how much money they received. How lovely and so progressive and just what the children need to know. This intimate collaboration with Ayers led to the only executive or administrative experience in Obama's life and Obama saw to it that ACORN received over $200,000.00 from the CAC. Recently Obama gave over $800,000.00 from his campaign funds to subsidize ACORN's activities but he tried to disguise the donation when he gave it to a subsidiary of ACORN. ACORN is under investigation in 13 states for voter registration fraud and has already been convicted of it elsewhere. Five of their employees in Washington state are currently serving prison terms. Obama is on record as promising ACORN a role in crafting his policy agenda.

Rashid Khalidi is the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University and Director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. He was born in the United States of a Palestinian father and a Lebanese mother. His wife, Mona, is the former President of the Arab American Action Network which received a grant of $75,000.00 from the Woods Foundation when Obama was on its board. Rashid Khalidi did work for WAFA, the Palestinian news agency, in the 1980s and later served as an advisor to the Palestinian delegation during the Madrid Conference of 1991. He refers to the foundation of Israel as a "catastrophe". He was a strong supporter of the PLO when it was officially designated as a terrorist organization and has written many articles of an anti-Israel nature and is very critical of America's support of Israel. When he was leaving the Chicago area Obama made one of the presentations in praise of Khalidi at a farewell dinner in 2003.The dinner was a celebration of the Chicago area Palestinian community and Obama's remarks alluded to the numerous dinners that he had enjoyed in the home of the Khalidis. Addressing the mostly Palestinian American crowd Khalidi lavished praise on Obama and assured them: "You will not have a better Senator under any circumstances". Khalidi, as well as the late, unlamented, Edward Said, were intimates of the embezzling, murdering, terrorist, and avid molester of young boys, Yasser Arafat.

Tony Rezko, a Syrian immigrant and Chicago property developer, was recently convicted on 16 of the 24 fraud and bribery charges against him. Attired in his orange jump suit he currently awaits sentencing. His dealings with Barack Obama go back to 1990 when Rezko offered Obama a job and his donations to Obama started in 1995 when Obama declared his candidacy for the Illinois state senate.

Rezko built part of his fortune by exploiting the black community that Obama would come to serve in the state senate, and by milking government programs meant to benefit black-owned businesses. But Obama took Rezko's money even after the businessman was sued by the city of Chicago for failing to heat his low-income apartments, and even after Rezko was caught using a black business partner to obtain a minority set-aside for a fast-food franchise at O'Hare Airport. Obama seems to have derived some material benefit from his friendship with Rezko. During his first year in the U.S. Senate, flush with the book advance for "The Audacity of Hope," Obama and his wife decided to trade up from a condo to a bigger, more secure home in Kenwood, a South Side neighborhood of turreted, balconied piles. They found a $1.65 million house with four fireplaces, a wine cellar and a black wrought-iron fence, just the sort of place suitable for a champion of the people dedicated to "change". The doctor who lived there also owned the vacant lot next door and, although the properties were listed separately, wanted to sell both at the same time. Despite their new income, the Obamas could not have afforded both parcels. The Obamas closed on their house in June 2005. On the same day, Rezko's wife, Rita, purchased the vacant lot for $625,000. They later sold a portion of the lot to the Obamas, for $104,500, so the family could expand its yard. The Rezkos then paid $14,000 to build a fence along the property line. As long as Rezko was only under investigation, Obama was willing to do business with him. But then Rezko committed the fixer's biggest sin: He got indicted and got his name in the papers. After that, the friendship cooled. Obama has donated $157,835 in Rezko-linked contributions to charity and has called the real estate deal "boneheaded", but he still lives in that house and he still has the position and the power Rezko helped him attain.

There is a disturbing pattern here. Obama consistently funneled money from the foundations of which he was either Chairman or a board member to radical, left-wing, political causes that would support him and would increase his voter base. When he was not doing that he was arranging to give a million dollars of public money to the hospital where his wife worked and then, coincidentally, the hospital increased her sinecure salary by 160%. At that rate it would take less than five years for the entire million dollars to end up as part of Michelle Obama's compensation and she still thinks America is a "mean country".

Obama's accredited mentor was Jeremiah Wright a racist loon and an admirer of another racist loon, Fr. Pflagler, and an admirer of another racist loon, Louis Farrakhan. 

Bill Ayres, the man who gave Obama the only executive job he ever had in his life and with whom he hobnobbed in the parlors of the Chicago elite is a disgusting, unapologetic, domestic terrorist. Rashid Khalidi, a proud admirer of the PLO in all its grisly forms, an associate of Yasser Arafat, and a contributor to Obama's campaign fund is someone who Obama describes as having "challenged my assumptions". Ah, great minds think alike. Tony Rezko, Obama's biggest donor in Chicago, is on his way to the sandstone Hilton and we haven't even scratched the surface of Obama's Marxist mentor in Hawaii, Frank Marshall Davis, or Obama's reverence for Saul "Red" Alinsky.

As a disciple of Saul "Red" Alinsky, Obama has followed his master's modus operandi with cunning and the fervor of a true believer. In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlined his strategy of organizing when he wrote:

"There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution....."

Alinsky codified and wrote a clear set of rules for community organizing. His rules for radicals are now used as key tactics to learn in the training of new community organizers. Alinsky was a critic of mainstream liberalism which he considered passive and ineffective. In Rules for Radicals, he argued that the most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired ends, and that an intermediate end for radicals should be democracy because of its relative ease to work within to achieve other ends of social justice.

If you can now recognize at last his clear preference for America-haters and venal influence peddlers then, at a stroke, you have grasped the pure essence and core beliefs of Barack Obama. They are not the beliefs or the principles on which America was founded. They are diametrically opposed to every American value and every fine hope of what America aspires to be. Barack Obama is the most synthetically manufactured and stage-managed candidate of our time. He may have been born in Hawaii and he may be an American citizen, but he is not what he represents himself to be on any level. He is not one of us. He is an imposter and that is why we oppose him with every fiber of our being; that is why he deserves our enmity; that is why he is a clear and present danger to our constitutional republic; that is why we will never cease to fight against him; that is why he is a political Trojan horse; and that is why his candidacy is the greatest fraud in modern American political history.

Obama complains that he would be another three points ahead in the polls if it was not for Fox News, but where would he be without the anointment and uncritical adulation of CBS, NBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and, what has become the most dishonest newspaper in the entire country, The New York Times? Real journalism would demand a curiosity and intellectual interest in really finding out about this awful man instead of intentionally giving him a pass. The media's lack of impartiality and failure to investigate this political Pinocchio is a gross dereliction of their duty and a national disgrace. It would help to shed some light into the mind and ideology of Barack Obama who has a very serious habit of keeping his true ideology a very closely guarded secret, especially from the very people he is asking to vote for him. Alas, the mainstream media has no interest in providing this sort of illumination.

You can send him money from George Soros,, Warren Buffett, David Geffen, Oprah Winfrey, and God alone knows from how many Muslim countries that seek our ruin. ACORN can stuff the ballot boxes for him. You can bathe him, powder him, dress him up in designer suits and put him in front of a teleprompter to make the most vacuous platitude ridden speeches, delivered with a condescending air of Harvard hauteur, that could not have been more enthusiastically received if he had been using Esperanto, but he is still the same old go-along-to-get-along party hack and toady from the corrupt, Mayor Daly, Chicago political machine. If it's "Change" you want why would you pick someone like that? Nevertheless, served up on a silver platter he is, but it is garnished with the flimsiest of condiments that are rotten to the core. 

With a gathering resentment we become aware that we are the targets of an enormous confidence trick involving the cynical manipulation of racial guilt and utopian ideals along with the pervasive suggestion that we are all victims in need of government rescue. As the resentment turns into anger and as the façade is gradually peeled away we find ourselves staring at the same old Marxist, left-wing, tottering edifice duly shored up by the faded, destructive, doctrinaire, liberalism, that has failed so often in the past.

If John McCain fails to win the presidency, he will have been defeated not by Barack Obama but by Dow Jones and a craven, sycophantic, and blatantly biased, media. Our financial crisis has pushed the election from the front page diverting the attention of the electorate away from the defining issue of our time and the one on which Obama will betray us all: radical, fundamentalist, Islamic, terror. This is why they no longer seem concerned with the imposter or the party that cast the most cynical vote in recent history when they voted to withdraw funding from our troops in Iraq while those troops were still in mortal danger thereby demonstrating that they preferred partisan political victory over national security. We used to have a name for people like that. We used to call them traitors. Where is the outrage?!!

1 comment:

  1. Paul: Once again you have neatly, compactly and with perfect use of the English language described the history of this Marxist 'trojan horse' dropped among us. The fate of America hangs in the balance. Thanks for putting your finger on the scale of reason.


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