Sunday, October 19, 2008


Has anyone noticed how many guard dogs in the Fourth Estate, who were uninterested in examining Obama's collaborations with Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko et al, have engaged in a frenzied investigation of Joe the Plumber's bona fides? 

I knew we could depend on them to protect the public from disinformation by their searching questions and penetrating insight: Is his name really Joe; Is he really a plumber; does he owe any back taxes; does he have a business license; can he spell "plumber" in capital letters? Surely he must be a member of the Ku Klux Klan or, worse still, a member of the Republican Party. This warrants the full glare of public scrutiny and perhaps even a Congressional investigation. The public needs to know!

All poor Joe did was to ask Obama a simple but tough question, something the mainstream media hasn't been able to do for two years. The answer given by Obama revealed that, as many of us have been saying from the start, he is a doctrinaire left-wing socialist with Marxist roots who is more interested in the redistribution of wealth than he is in the creation of it. This inadvertent revelation and untimely confession has sparked off a firestorm within Obama's campaign which, with the aid of their devotees in the media, is trying to discredit someone who they think should be part of their base but is unimpressed with hyperbole and the hypnotized, adoring, mob. They feel betrayed and even thwarted.

Profits offend Obama unless of course they flow to him via crooked land deals and political contributions from his convicted Syrian pal and influence peddler, Tony Rezko, or directly from the royalties of his two dismal books in which case, no doubt, "spreading the money around" would seem too much like excessive socialist indulgence.

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