Saturday, August 15, 2015

Played for Fools

On Tuesday July 14th. the earth shifted beneath our feet. America accepted a devastating defeat without a war.
The nuclear agreement with Iran ensures that if Iran complies with every provision of the deal she will become a nuclear power in 8 to 10 years. This is in stark contrast to the original intention of the negotiations which was to PREVENT Iran from EVER becoming a nuclear power. The Obama administration and the other P5+1 governments have all retreated from, indeed abandoned, their own so-called "red lines" which they said were essential for concluding a secure agreement.
If the Congress of the United States does not stop this suicidal agreement from being implemented the first stage of World War III will have been set securely in place. Nothing is more certain. The tinder-box of the Middle East will become more destabilized with nuclear proliferation, nuclear blackmail will become the major feature of Iran's foreign policy, the grave danger of Iran passing her nuclear capability on to her terrorist proxies will become a reality and America, the West and Israel will be living at the point of nuclear weapons in the firm grip of messianic ayatollahs who have an apocalyptic vision and who are impervious to the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction.

The ayatollahs only distinguish between Democrats and Republicans to the extent that they can be manipulated and used for their ends. Other than that they are quite happy to kill and maim anyone of any political party. This is not a partisan issue at least not for the Iranians.
It is impossible to justify this agreement on its merits. It is an historic mistake which places us all in mortal peril. The terms of the agreement demonstrate that we have been played for fools. The Obama administration and the other P5+1 countries have spent the last two years confusing activity with achievement. Greedy appetites have been excited. Believing that they can do business with the caftan clad, turban wearing, murderous gangsters of the Iranian leadership they have led their own countries into the long dark shadow of the gallows. We now stand upon the trap door awaiting our fate. Only the Congress of the United States, where the People govern, can remove the noose.
Allowing Iran to provide its own earth samples for inspection is like allowing criminals to provide evidence against themselves of which only they approve. Returning $150 billion to the Iranian coffers represents 13% of their economy. The havoc they will be able to wreak with this bonus is terrifying. If the United States were given a check from some international source for 13% of its economy it would amount to almost $2 trillion! The Iranian centrifuges keep on spinning and the uranium keeps on being enriched. We have no idea if Iran has even more centrifuges spinning away outside of Iran.  Nothing has been done to stop the development of Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles which could reach American shores. No effort has been made to get Iran to agree to stop being the world's foremost sponsor of terror. No pressure has been brought to bear to have Iran abandon its genocidal intentions towards Israel. Nothing has been done to stop Iran's monstrous declarations of hatred, its blood-curdling threats against America and the West or its gruesome oppression of its own people.
Recently we discovered that there are secret annexes in this agreement of which we know nothing and about which even Secretary of State Kerry seems to know little.  For the second time during President Obama's term in office is the Congress of the United States going to be asked to vote in favor of an agreement in order to know what is in it?!! Surely not.
In 2013 when we had every advantage and at the very moment Iran was drowning from the pressure of international sanctions President Obama inexplicably threw Iran a life-line. Thus he became a kind of Houdini in reverse. From a position of safety he quickly escaped to one of danger.
This agreement has been concluded in a spirit of complete detachment from the facts and without any apprehension of danger. It must be pole-axed and replaced with one that looks as if it were designed with the world's firm security in mind. Furthermore, the negotiations must be conducted by diplomats who are capable of dealing with adversaries whose ancestors invented chess.
It is appalling that even now a high percentage of American Jews are still in favor of this deal particularly when they know that in Israel, a country whose residents can not usually agree amongst themselves on which day of the week it is, opposition to the deal is almost unanimous. What do they understand that so many of our Jewish brothers and sisters here do not understand? By what are the Israelis influenced? Living so close to their potential executioners tends to concentrate the mind and I suspect the absence of Obama worship in Israel helps to induce a certain clarity of thought woefully absent amongst liberal American Jews.

The stakes could not be higher. If we do not get this right nothing else will matter. This, I venture to say, is what the Israelis understand.

President Obama sees this tragically inadequate and flawed agreement as part of his imagined "legacy" but for the rest of us it is a matter of our survival, of the survival of everything we have known and hold dear. It is the most important issue of our time. It is a matter of life and death. 
"The grievous inquest of history", to use a Churchillian phrase, has already proved what happens when misguided, determined, weak, frightened, purblind, duplicitous and ambitious men address themselves to an intractable problem. It is usually the reputation of the problem that remains intact.
The vote which our senators and congressmen must soon cast will be the most important vote taken by any group of politicians in any country at any time. Those who vote in favor of this agreement will have their names entered into the Roll-Call-of-Shame for choosing political partisanship over the national security of their country.

If this agreement were to be imposed on us by a foreign power we would be right to consider it an act of war. For those who understand this no explanation is necessary. For those who do not understand this no explanation is possible.

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