Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Obama, A Houdini In Reverse

After the election of 2008 gave Barack Obama a super-majority in both houses of Congress he has proved to be something of a Houdini in reverse. From an overwhelming position of safety he has quickly escaped to one of danger.

He sought to redefine America on a secular scale that is opposite to the Founding Fathers. His socialist model that one can constantly increase the size of government by reducing the tax base and producing more people who depend on the government has been thoroughly rejected by the electorate let alone the economy.

Obama's policies have been repudiated as have his feints at portraying himself as someone who cherishes American values and supports America's allies. It did not take Obama long to make Americans realize that they had elected someone who was at odds with American Exceptionalism and who had a crater sized chip on his shoulder about the country he was supposed to lead.

It's hard for a determined ideologue to learn his lesson and that is why he will now attempt to do by regulation what will now be impossible to accomplish by legislation. Although his policies have been repudiated by American voters and his self-proclaimed legislative achievements have been discredited he will continue whistling past the graveyard off key and as out of tune as ever.

During the last 21 months Americans have come to understand Milton Friedman's observation that if the Democrats were in charge of the Sahara Desert in 5 years there would be shortage of sand. The Democrats have more solutions than there are problems and as they look out upon their devastation wrought by this election they can see that their biggest problem is Barack Obama himself, the wrong man in the wrong job in the wrong country at the wrong time.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear. we gave bush 8 years and the man could barely read and write. obama has only been in office for 2 years, we have yet to see how he deals with the mess left on the plate by the previous administration. i lives in Russia and let me tell that he is definitely not a socialist, he's not even a liberal for that matter. Have you traveled or lived to either Russia or China or have ventured outside of of the US for that matter. You make quite the accusations. Do you own an up to date passport event? Obama and the administration have no interest to nationalize the health care system or the financial one. I suggest you stop being an arm chair philosopher and actually get out and travel the world and meet socialists &/or muslims and see how rural your world views are.


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