Monday, March 2, 2009

Comrade Obama

If a man continually shouted "Fire!!" in a crowded theatre panicking its occupants, causing a stampede for the exits resulting in many injuries and deaths he would be arrested and prosecuted, but this is exactly what our mortician-in-chief, Barack Obama, has been doing with impunity ever since he took office. So far, he and his administration have proved to be fundamentally dishonest not only in their shrill and exaggerated description of our national condition but also in how they have described and characterised the remedies they intend to apply in order to save us.

The salient fact is that the "stimulus" bill and the "omnibus" bill and almost everything else coming out of the White House is a cover for the massive expansion of government moving us closer and much faster to the model of a European socialist country and he is using fear, exaggeration, and the ensuing panic to accomplish it. His extreme socialist agenda is much more dear to his heart than rescuing our economy. Understand that and you will be able to grasp why the thugocracy at ACORN, an organisation that is currently under 14 federal indictments for voter fraud in the last election, was going to be rewarded with around $4 billion in earmarks in the "stimulus" bill and why our airports have only been awarded $1 billion for improvements. Understand that and you will be able to grasp that his policies defy common sense and attempt to contradict the laws of economics let alone past fiscal experience and practice. Nevertheless, he is forging ahead with them and will keep doing so until we are in so much pain he will be able to get us to approve anything he wants or so he thinks. It is a tragedy that Obama is not going to veto a $410 billion bill with over 9000 earmarks and uphold one of his most frequent campaign promises. With the help of a servile mass media he has perfected Hitler's "Big Lie" theory into an art form. Comrade Barack Pinocchio Obama promised to reduce the federal budget deficit, but his spending proposals will literally double the entire national debt by 2014 and triple it by 2019. Now there's CHANGE you can believe in and you had better believe in it because it is going to ruin us all. Our children's grandchildren will not even get close to retiring this debt. His proposals will derange the relationship between the citizen and the state. His policies, such as they are, are wrong because they are unsustainable. Churchill once described socialism as standing in a bucket full of water and trying to pull it up over your head. It simply does not work. Along with political correctness, in all of its destructive forms, socialism merely succeeds in reducing us to connoisseurs of mediocrity.

Our ship of state was taking on water long before Comrade Obama took office and so he likes to remind us that he inherited a mess beyond all imagining and for which, of course, he is not responsible. However, he fails to point out that the catalyst of our current woes, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, was started by the Clinton administration when it imposed affirmative action standards on lending practices. For this, we have to thank Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, and the woebegone Harry Reid. These are the ones Obama can thank for his inheritance. Frankly, they should all be in jail. Using Bush as a scapegoat is getting boring particularly when federal revenues actually reached all-time highs during his tenure. Anyone for tax cuts?! Anyone? Anyone at all?

During the election Joe Biden, our current vice-windbag-in-chief, told us that it was patriotic for us to pay more in taxes. One hopes that he did not come to this conclusion without the benefit of alcohol. Come to think of it, one hopes he didn't get to look the way he does without the benefit of alcohol either. Anyway, here's some news for you Joe, I've always paid my taxes but I would feel just as proud and just as patriotic for half the money.

In a financial debacle the ship of state requires not an inexperienced midshipman and marxist idealogue at the helm, but a captain of war. We don't have one. Even FDR, for all of his terrible miscalculations, wanted to save capitalism. Comrade Obama wants to destroy it. During the election and since the inauguration, global investors have been assessing Obama's agenda and the signals he has been telegraphing from atop his poop deck. Each new ridiculous cabinet appointment, each speech, each new proposal, each new political stunt in a career based on political stunts, has been digested to determine whether he would fulfill his solemn campaign promise to govern as a bipartisan moderate or assume the role of a big-government, far left radical and extremist. Well, the verdict is now in. We are suffering from the Obama Effect. The Dow has plunged to 6500 points evaporating over 30% in total market wealth. To be sure, the stock market is not the "economy" but it is its barometer. Since Obama won the election the barometer's needle has been spinning out of control as it witnessed the worst January in history and the worst February since 1933, that's 76 years for Timothy Geithner who seems to have trouble with his calculations.

Clearly Obama is making a bad situation much worse. The recession that started in 2007, the financial shocks, and the explosion of the housing bubble, have all been taken into consideration for some time now. The stock market, by its very nature, looks forwards not backwards. Its performance is based on its assessment of where the economy is going. The Dow is more concerned with what lies in the future under Comrade Obama than with what happened under President Bush. It understands when a politician is far more interested in the redistribution of wealth than in the creation of it. Now, the stock market is not perfect but it tends to be the most immediate barometer of current and future economic realities. It is becoming more and more clear that Obama himself is inflicting new wounds upon the national and global economies for he has set upon the most radical upheaval of the relationship between government and the economy in the history of any democracy and is responsible for the first crisis of globalisation. Worse still, he uses beguiling rhetoric to dupe his audience and to camouflage the enormous disparity between what he says and the aspirations ostensibly entertained. In short, there is a complete disconnect between his words and his deeds. He is an articulate incompetent. He is a liar, a fake, an imposter, and the most egregious of mountebanks.

One is left with the ardent hope that some day very soon, after having replaced the bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office for one of Vladimir Lenin and while wandering along a corridor absorbed in reading his favorite book, "Das Capital", for the twentieth time, Obama will fall down one of the White House elevator shafts never to be seen or heard of again. Meanwhile, we are left with the sinking realisation that Comrade Obama, commissar Biden, the entire cabinet and its apparatchiks, are all noxious toads perched upon the nostrils of the great American eagle. If left unchecked, during the next two years, they will do to this great country what it took the Roman Empire a hundred years of enjoyable decadence to accomplish. That should please George Soros, David Geffen, the divine Oprah, and other members of the fulsome glitterati, but I suspect Warren Buffett, now poorer by about $25 billion, is having second thoughts. Well, you can't pick winners all the time, Warren, but you've still got over $40 billion left! Don't blow it on supporting Comrade Obama in 2012. By that time he will have gone down as the worst president we have ever had if, in the meantime and as a result of his policies, he doesn't go down as the last one.

1 comment:

  1. silly stuff if yhou really believe O. is a free market (ha, what free market) guys scrwed the country real bad and now we say poo on you...your day has come and gone for many years to come.

    two time vet of two wars


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